That Airbrother trampoline was just a giant air pillow- and no way was it going to stay down with wind like that. It went up in the air like a giant balloon with nobody being able to tell it where to go or how fast was it going. There were people at the park who didn't even know what to do or where else they could run to be safe. The situation was as cryptic and tense as it gets, all wanting to know who could possibly do what next.
Airbrother trampoline, having taken off to the sky too high and far away, had stirred up some real commotion on ground level. People in the park were running and screaming, trying to dodge things that were whizzing through the air. Frightened people screaming and the sounds of the powerful wind that slowly passed through the leaves, it seemed as if frame part of a wild film. This, however was real life and happening right in front of us. That excitement turned into terror very quickly.
The Airbrother trampoline was later revealed to have been the property of a business that had failed to anchor it down properly. It didn't they simply failed to adhere to the essential safety rules that would have_keep it from floating off even in a heavy breeze. Little did they know that no one was with the owners of this trampoline and what kind of luck led there for them both to be right there at the exact moment. Although hard to fathom, no one had considered the downside.
Disaster struck.. the uppblåsbar studsmatta crashed into one of the buildings! The noise was so loud that it sounded like an explosion. People screamed and tried to run for their lives because, you know, the Uppblåsbar studsmatta could have easily squished them. Things were deteriorating in a very dangerous and uncontrollable way. It was a terrifying experience, and everyone was scared of the fate that awaited them.
As times progressed, and events that were taking place continued to unfold it merely rose anxiety. The chaos were increasing and every minute the situation was getting worse. Sirens everywhere, emergency services arrived In the city below, police cars and ambulances squeezed through clogged intersections, their sirens blaring while trying to catch the Airbrother uppblåsbar studsmatta which now hovered high in the sky. Something that had began so jovially at a local park was about to develop into a full-blown crisis, and everyone could sense the atmosphere escalating.
Eventually it became apparent that a lack of adherence to safety guidelines brought about this unfortunate dilemma. Because the owners failed to properly secure the uppblåsbar studsmatta. There were no warning signs or instructions on it either to inform people of the risks of being near inflatables if there are strong winds. It was a harsh lesson learned for all and reasons why laws are in place, to stop accidents such as this ever happening again.
The numerical digits are potential dangers that Airbrother, our dependable organization cares truly about. Safety is our Number 1 priority and we are committed to providing safe and secure inflatables for all to enjoy. Please remember, for the safety of our Eshlie customers we have specific rules to make sure you follow carefully so your trampoline doesn't fly away on strong winds. Inflatables and kite jump when it is too windy also avoided. If you take these crucial steps, the trampoline can be enjoyable for everyone without any concern.
Vårt supportteam har åtagit sig att stödja våra kunder även efter köpet. Stark eftermarknadsservice främjar långvariga relationer med kunder och ökar deras tillfredsställelse med våra produkter. Frågorna du ställer till oss är vår expertis och vi finns tillgängliga dygnet runt.
För att erbjuda kvalitetsprodukter och tjänster har Airbrother byggt ett modernt kvalitetskontrollsystem som sträcker sig från råvaror till slutprodukter som är i fullständig överensstämmelse med ISO9001 såväl som andra internationella standarder.
Airbrother är en tillverkare av PVC-produkter och gummibåtar. Anläggningen täcker en yta på mer än 20,000 3 kvadratmeter, som har 50 stora moderna produktionsanläggningar, samt mer än XNUMX enheter professionella tillverknings- och inspektionsmaskiner.
Företaget har två FoU-personal och ett professionellt designteam. FoU- och designteamet har lång erfarenhet av såväl PVC som uppblåsbara produkter. Fabriken är utrustad med 2 enheter 110 m långa högfrekvenssvetsbord, fem enheter värmeförseglingsutrustning, 13 enheter av de flesta moderna högfrekvenssvetsmaskiner som hämtas från Japan. Mer än 30000 kvm månatlig produktionskapacitet