Are you worried about leaving your car when parked outside? Have you ever wished that you could take your garage with you wherever you went. However, this fancy tent is also easy to set up and will protect your car from the worst weather conditions--but only if you have heard of the airbrother opblaasbare auto garage tent made in China. Standard garages can be as big as 36' x 60' and are very costly to build. The problem is that garages occupy space, and not everyone has the space or money to construct an old-fashioned garage. Fortunately, your VW transporter is still safe from heavy rain, strong wind, snow, damaging UV radiation of the sun if you have a Airbrother inflatable car garage tent. You can park up anywhere you please and get this tent up while camping in the wild, hanging out at the beach or when parking it in your driveway- still keeping your vehicle dust free and damage free.
The Airbrother inflatable car garage tent comes with a convenient electric air pump. The kind of power that can be filled upon 2 minutes. You will want to choose the best dimension camping outdoor tents for your vehicle: there are various dimensions to suit all kinds of cars. You can tie it down with ropes and pegs after you have set up the airbrother blow up garage tent. Easy inflatable air couch and then pack away with the included carry bag when you need it to a different location.
This is not only it helps in parking but for an inflatable car garage tent, it offers the best security. The airbrother opblaasbare garagetent is easy to construct and made of waterproof and UV-resistant materials. It seals out the rain so your car stays dry and safe in any weather condition. This power will also be in place to save your car from a hurricane where you are experiencing tree branches, hail, and other sky falling debris. So, you can feel at peace knowing your car is safe on the inside.
The fantastic support regarding this blow up cars and truck garage outdoor tents is that you might bring it along on all your adventures! This mobile garage goes with you if youre removing for some time on the roadway so that any place you park your cars and truck. You will never have to worry about the weather ruining carefully crafted plans Bonus on exploiting that awesome off-road/camping region So you could park this in your drive and knock up a tent or take it down as the need arises. That said, it makes to this one of the versatile protection option for your car.
The trick most car owners can resort to: an Airbrother Inflatable Car Garage Tent! A standard garage can cost thousands and take a few days to build. But this inflatable tent is downright an affordable one when compared to that. You can have it ready in minutes so you will be set to go within a few minutes. But it also lends itself to other types of gear tenting, or smaller group picnicking, and the like.
Airbrother Company is een topproducent van PVC en opblaasbare producten. De faciliteit omvat meer dan 20,000 vierkante meter met drie enorme moderne productiewerkplaatsen en meer dan 50 machines van hoge kwaliteit voor het maken en inspecteren van machines.
Onze klantenservicemedewerkers blijven beschikbaar voor onze klanten nadat ze het product hebben gekocht. Wij geloven dat het leveren van uitstekende aftersalesservice langdurige relaties met onze klanten opbouwt en de algehele ervaring die ze met onze producten hebben verbetert. Uw vragen zijn toevallig onze expertise en we zijn 24 uur per dag beschikbaar.
Het bedrijf heeft 2 R&D-mensen en een deskundig ontwerpteam. Zowel het R&D- als het ontwerpteam heeft uitgebreide ervaring in PVC en opblaasbare producten en de fabriek herbergt 2 eenheden met 110 m lange hoogfrequente lastafels, vijf eenheden warmtelasmachines en 13 eenheden van de modernste hoogfrequente lasmachines geïmporteerd uit Japan. 30000+ m² productiecapaciteit per maand
Airbrother heeft, om de beste producten en diensten te leveren die het kan, een geavanceerd managementsysteem gecreëerd dat kwaliteit garandeert, beginnend bij de grondstoffen en eindigend bij de eindproducten. Dit is volledig in overeenstemming met de ISO9001-normen en andere internationale normen.