Have you ever dreamed of playing on the water while feeling completely secure? Airbrother has created something very special just for you! These fabulous boat platforms are magic carpets that float on top of water.
You can sit, stand, and play without being afraid of falling. Which is a very cool way to blow up and use the platforms. It’s the ultimate beach and lake activity that allows you to do your own thing on the water; just pull out your platform, blow it up, and enjoy!
These unique platforms are constructed from solid materials, unlikely to shatter easily. They are soft yet tough so you can jump, sit, roll around without a care in the world. They’ll provide endless hours of water fun for kids and adults alike.
What sort of things can you do on these platforms? So many things! You can fish and have a consistent place to sit. You will be able to catch some sun and chill. Play games with your friends It was nice the platform was flat—and did not move much.
It is really light so carrying the platform is very easy. You can bring it to the lake, the river or the ocean. When you put it away, it takes up as much space as a small bag. Simply inflate when it’s time to have fun, deflate and store when finished!
The Airbrother team thought of it all when creating these platforms. They wouldn’t be safe for kids and grown-ups. The sprawl can accommodate two or three players to cooperate. No more being wobbly and afraid on the water!
If you enjoy swimming, fishing or simply relaxing in the sun, this platform is ideal for you. It helps keep water adventures enjoyable and safe. You can walk around without worrying you might step in the water.
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Tarjotakseen parhaita tuotteita ja palveluita Airbrother on luonut uuden laatujärjestelmän raaka-aineista lopputuotteisiin, joka on tiukasti ISO9001 ja muiden kansainvälisten standardien mukainen.
Yrityksellä on kaksi T&K-henkilöä ja ammattitaitoinen suunnittelutiimi. T&K-tiimillä on runsaasti tietoa PVC:stä ja pomppulinnasta. Laitoksessa on myös 13 konetta uusimmista Japanista tuoduista suurtaajuushitsauslaitteista. Yli 30000 XNUMX neliömetriä. tuotantokapasiteettia kuukaudessa
Airbrother Company on PVC:n ja puhallettavien tuotteiden johtava valmistaja. Tuotantolaitos on jakautunut yli 20000 50 neliömetrin alueelle, jossa on kolme suurta tuotantolaitosta ja yli XNUMX ammattitaitoista valmistus- ja tarkastuskonetta.