Inflatable sports dome is a huge air filled building that is quite easy to be installed in anywhere you like, both indoor and outdoor. This, in other words, is that even if it is not sunny or raining you can play your favorite sports such as football, basketball or volleyball among many others. Now you can have fun playing games safely!
Take a moment to envision a GREAT game of soccer as you and your friends are essentially placed within one massive bubble. You get an awesome dance feel since music is playing, as well as lights all over! The game of playing in a sports dome is not only the game, but also fun and spirit in an amazing atmosphere.
There are times when inclement weather, heavy rain or snow and high winds will prevent you from going outside to play. However, you can forget about that with an inflatable sports dome! Once you are inside your bubble, the dome will protect you from the elements, keeping rain, snow and wind at bay so that you can play your favorite sports non-stop.
What is interesting about the dome Is that Its has controls to control the heat or cold inside. Remain cool in summers or hot in winters, inside. Especially on days where it is very hot, the air conditioning can help you remain sweat-free and comfortable. Plus, during winter days, you could set up the thermostat and heat it to give you a warm feel while playing there.
Since the recognition skills of your pet are automatically activated when you set it up, you can begin use immediately! You can prepare it for fun in minutes! It also has its own pump that helps it inflate quickly, and when you stop playing with it the deflation process is as simple and quick entrances in; It also should not take much time to clean up so you can get back to playing quickly!
To sum it all up, an inflatable dome is a fantastic way for the sport to be played by its fans at all times no matter what the outdoor weather brings. Ideal for year-round sports, as this park offers a safe and enjoyable environment for sport enthusiasts. Sunny, puhallettavat rakennukset rainy or snowy the dome is fun to be in!
Airbrother’s sateen keräystynnyri sports dome is also one of the simplest domes to move from place to place, making it perfect for school sports teams, youth organizations, and community events. It lasts longer and it is more durable so that we can accommodate an endless amount of play, various forms of weather and countless bodies enjoying the bouncy happy space.
Yhtiö työllistää 2 tuotekehitystyöntekijää ja yhden asiantuntevan suunnittelutiimin. Tuotekehityksellä sekä suunnittelutiimillä on runsaasti kokemusta. Erikoistunut PVC- ja puhallettaviin tuotteisiin, ja tehdas on varustettu kahdella yksiköllä, joissa on 2 m pitkät suurtaajuushitsauspöydät, viidellä lämpösaumauslaitteistolla ja 110 yksiköllä nykyaikaisimpia suurtaajuushitsauslaitteita. hitsauskoneet, jotka tuodaan Japanista. 13 30000+ neliömetriä tuotantokapasiteetti kuukausi
Airbrother Company on PVC:n ja puhallettavien tuotteiden johtava valmistaja. Tuotantolaitos on jakautunut yli 20000 50 neliömetrin alueelle, jossa on kolme suurta tuotantolaitosta ja yli XNUMX ammattitaitoista valmistus- ja tarkastuskonetta.
Laadukkaita tuotteita ja palveluita tarjotakseen Airbrother on rakentanut nykyaikaisen laadunvalvontajärjestelmän, joka ulottuu raaka-aineista lopputuotteisiin ja joka on täysin ISO9001:n ja muiden kansainvälisten standardien mukainen.
Tukiasiantuntijamme on sitoutunut auttamaan asiakkaitamme pitkään oston jälkeen. Vahvat myynnin jälkeiset palvelut auttavat rakentamaan pitkäaikaisia suhteita asiakkaisiin ja lisäävät heidän kokemustaan tuotteistamme. Olemme aina valmiina vastaamaan kysymyksiisi.