Ever wanted to soar through the sky like a bird, or do strides like a worldclass gymnast? Now this dream can come true with airbrother’s õhu trummeldada! It is a specific type of bouncy surface for training thrilling skills, known as a tumble track trampoline. It enables us to jump high and try out new tricks in a fun and safe way. So let’s break down all the entertainment throughout tumble track trampoline!
Have you ever thought about twisting like a circus artist? The trampoline tumble track is the best place to make that a dream to come true! The foundation is made from soft and bouncy material, which allows you to practice flips and other acrobatic skills safely without worrying about landing hard. You can learn new tricks with ease, even if you are a complete novice and have never done a flip. Once you practice, you’ll be flipping like a pro in no time! It is such a fun way to gain confidence!
The Airbrother tumble track mat is not just fun but extremely durable, versatile and can be used in many ways. Ideal to help you master your acrobatic skills. The bounce is always consistent, so you know what to expect: a consistent feel each time you jump. This consistency allows you to learn in a more comfortable way as you practice. And bouncing with flips and jumps on the trampoline is a fun way to keep active!
Airbrother tumble track trampoline is one of the best safe tumbling trampolines. Parents can kick back and take a load off while watching their children, wrestling through challenges and learning to play fair with their peers without fear. The trampoline has special safety features ensure that you dont hurt yourself while you are jumping. This is made out of hardy material, so it allows you to bounce to great heights like a bird and jump around without worrying about getting hurt. You won’t overthink, and you’ll have fun at every stage of every trick on the trampoline!
That is a dream with an Airbrother tumble track trampoline because you have your very own gym right in your backyard! Tired of going to the gym? You can hop, twist, and play at any time! It’s easy to set up and easy to take down when you’re finished playing it. So, whenever you want a jumping party or want to practice your flips, you can use it!
Tumble track trampoline jump is all about enjoying it! Like a trampoline park for your board, the bouncier surface will let you attempt new tricks every single day, and you will have fun doing it! Keep your family happy, healthy and engaged while having fun together with Airbrother’s tumble track trampoline. Then, you might ask some friends over, each taking in turn to practice, thus making it a fun time full of laughter and enjoyment.
Airbrother Company on PVC ja täispuhutavate toodete tipptootja. Rajatis hõlmab enam kui 20,000 50 ruutmeetrit kolme tohutu kaasaegse tootmistsehhi ja enam kui XNUMX masinaga kvaliteetseid valmistamis- ja kontrollimasinaid.
Airbrother on parimate toodete ja teenuste pakkumiseks välja töötanud kaasaegse juhtimissüsteemi, mis tagab kvaliteedi alates toorainest kuni valmistoodeteni. See on kooskõlas nii ISO9001 standarditega kui ka muude rahvusvaheliste standarditega.
Ettevõte koosneb 2 teadus- ja arendustöötajast ning professionaalsest disainimeeskonnast. Teadus- ja arendusmeeskonnal ning projekteerimismeeskonnal on laialdased kogemused PVC ja täispuhutavate esemete vallas ning tehases on 2 ühikut 110 m pikkuseid kõrgsageduskeevituslaudu, viis masinat kuumtihendamiseks 13, 13 ühikut uusimaid kaasaegseid kõrgsageduskeevitusseadmeid, mis on toodud Jaapan. 30000+ ruutmeetrit tootmisvõimsus kuus
Meie tugimeeskond on pühendunud klientidele toetamisele ka pärast ostu sooritamist. Tugev müügijärgne teenindus soodustab pikaajalisi suhteid klientidega ja suurendab nende rahulolu meie toodetega. Küsimused, mida meile esitate, on meie asjatundlikkus ja oleme kättesaadavad kogu päeva.