You have any more high jump and play in your backyard? If that is the case, you seriously need an airbrother aufblasbares Trampolin! This trampoline is easy to assemble and extremely lightweight so you can easily carry it around. Plus, it is super fun! With this trampoline in your backyard, it is going to convert your open area into a really beautiful place where everyone can come and have fun.
One of the best features of an Airbrother inflatable trampoline is that you can have a safe place to land when bouncing around. It allows even higher jumps and you will feel great knowing that if the case comes up where you land a bit off-center, you will touch ground with such a soft landing that makes it hard not to pay imitation for granted. This can make the jumps more interesting! Even if you are a professional jumper or just want to learn jumping, an inflatable trampoline will be the perfect fit for you!
An Airbrother blow up trampoline provides you the best solution — if there are annoying objects that may hurt your kids or make your kids undertreat cement as trampoline. It’s the perfect excuse for them to play and get some exercise at the same time. This airbrother Aufblasbares Trampolin will turn every day in your backyard to an incredible bouncing adventure. Who knows maybe your friend and a family member is just waiting for an excuse to jump with you!
But also unlike typical trampolines that may be too hard or rigid, an inflatable Airbrother trampoline is perfect for cushioning those potentially painful landings. You can sleep tight without expectation of crashing into a rigid metal frame or bouncing on awkward springs. Nope, you get to just come down and land gently — the best part of jumping ever safely! A blow up trampoline allows you to concentrate on the fun of jumping instead of fearing injury.
The Airbrother blow up trampoline is not just for children, but also for adults. Parents who want to keep their children healthy and fit in a fun way or simply just a group of friends can take advantage of this airbrother Aufblasbares Trampolin. There is fun for everyone in trampoline parks where they can jump and bounce all day long. And the great thing is that when you are finished it's effortless to store and carry so your backyard isn't cluttered.
Airbrother Company ist ein führender Hersteller von PVC- und aufblasbaren Produkten. Die Anlage umfasst mehr als 20,000 Quadratmeter mit drei riesigen modernen Produktionswerkstätten und mehr als 50 Maschinen für die Herstellung und Inspektion hochwertiger Produkte.
Das Unternehmen verfügt über zwei F&E-Mitarbeiter und ein professionelles Designteam. Das F&E-Team verfügt über umfangreiches Wissen im Bereich PVC und Aufblasartikel. Die Anlage beherbergt außerdem 13 Maschinen der modernsten Hochfrequenzschweißgeräte, die aus Japan importiert wurden. Mehr als 30000 Quadratmeter Produktionskapazität pro Monat
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Airbrother hat ein modernes Qualitätsmanagementsystem entwickelt, das von den Rohstoffen bis zu den fertigen Produkten reicht, um die höchste Produktqualität zu gewährleisten. Es entspricht strikt den ISO9001-Standards und anderen internationalen Standards.