Någonsin hört talas om en regnfat? Special bouncy mat that makes you a better gymnast and sportsman. Airbrother offers fantastic tumble track mats perfect for kids and of course adults, no matter how old you are!
If you would like to tumble at home, then bead track mat is undoubtedly to execute simple excellent choice. It is an Eldrapo Trampoline Safety pad so it will be very bouncy and you may test diversified flips, jumps, and tips without a spirited in regards to the potential for getting bruised. It means that when you hit the mat, you can be more confident in your moves and try new things without being afraid or nervous. It is an amazing way to experience learning, as well as having fun!
You may be asking your self, well what is a regnfatsvatten exactly? Basically, it is a very sturdy and long mat. This mat has air inside of it which gives the mat its super bounce. The bounce surface is brilliant for bouncing, flipping, and just bouncing around. Our Airbrother mats are available in a wide range of sizes and colours to match your preferences and household size as well.
Coming to gymnasts…. If you are a gymnast and you love doing this, a tumble track mat is one of the essential tools that can help you in learning it safe. This mat will let you safely practice your forward rolls, backflips or handstands,RATHER THAN just dodging around in circles to avoid jumping down and injuring yourself. It also makes you jump higher and last longer because the mat is so trampoline.
The good thing about using a tumble track mat is that it is so much fun to use! You are here to bounce and flip endlessly, but you never become boring. Perfect for tumbling or a high-traffic playroom, this mat is great for getting your kids active and playing in the right way, whether it's practicing their gymnastic moves or just being silly with friends. With multiple modes to challenge you and your friends, battle to claim the best flips.
So give yourselves a fair chance to improve further in gymnastics or any other sports, tumble track mat is the set of the most important tools. This mat seems magical, and with regular practice on it your ability to do things you thought were irregular for you will increase! No matter what you are striving to accomplish whether it be gyming, cheering or freerunnninig a tumble track mat can help take you where your dreams may and goal tight be(&___.
För att kunna leverera tillfredsställande produkter och tjänster har Airbrother utvecklat ett sofistikerat kvalitetsledningssystem, från råvaror till slutprodukter som är helt i linje med ISO9001 och andra internationella standarder.
Vårt team av supportspecialister är engagerade i att hjälpa våra kunder långt efter deras köp. Solida eftermarknadstjänster hjälper till att bygga långvariga relationer med kunderna och ökar upplevelsen de har av våra produkter. Vi finns alltid tillgängliga för att svara på dina frågor.
Airbrother Company är en ledande tillverkare av PVC och uppblåsbara produkter. Tillverkningsanläggningen är spridd över en yta på mer än 20 000 kvadratmeter, inklusive tre produktionsverkstäder med mer än 50 experter på tillverkning och inspektion av maskiner.
Företaget har två FoU-personal och ett professionellt designteam. FoU-teamet har en mängd kunskap inom PVC och gummibåtar. Anläggningen rymmer också 13 maskiner av den modernaste högfrekventa svetsutrustningen importerad från Japan. Mer än 30000 XNUMX kvm. produktionskapacitet per månad