Are You Looking To Enhance Your Gymnastics Skills And Exercise In A Fun Way? Check out the Gym Air Track from Airbrother! The surface on this terrific product is the perfect amount of bouncy and safe, which make it easy to try flips, tumbles, or anything else without being afraid.
Sometimes gymnastics is so challenging, but it can be a "blasts". The moves require strength, flexibility and focus. It helps you to enhance gymnastics in a safe and enjoyable way with Airbrother Gym Air Track. If you are someone who wants to learn gymnastics and practice at home or even in the gym, then Gym Air Track is meant for you.
The Gym Air Track bouncy surface let you perform jump or rollBy practicing on such air mat,without worrying that it may harm your body. Use it to practice new moves and skills without fear of the floor as a mat is below you In other words, you are allowed to practice more and not be afraid just because the instrument is very safe!
Gymnastics is a form of exercise, rather than just a sport. Develop your body structure shape and make more balanced, more flexible, stronger entire body. The good thing is that you can activity get fit while having fun with the Airbrother Gym Air Track. You can laugh and play all by jumping, Flipping and Rolling!
You can do a lot of different types of exercises on it, such as Yoga, Pilates or bodyweight workouts with the Gym Air Track. Aside from making it a little more fun, the bouncy surface also contributes to improving your balance. You can make your workouts enjoyable and more beneficial if you perform these out by working on the Gym Air Track. Like having a fitness built-in mini trampoline!
Gym Air Track is extremely easy to install and each size is designed for a custom home. This works great whether you have a large space, or a smaller one! You can do it by yourself or with a friend and start practising your moves at the same time. Additionally, when finished using it, you can easily put it away so that it does not take up a lot of space in your home.
The Gym Air Track can be used to perform numerous stretching exercises such as splits, leg holds, and bridges. The material springs the stretch deeper and makes you more sore for sure. And imagine how different does it feel when you stretch on the Gym Air Track as well, that just makes stretching so much more fun!
För att erbjuda kvalitetsprodukter och tjänster har Airbrother byggt ett modernt kvalitetskontrollsystem som sträcker sig från råvaror till slutprodukter som är i fullständig överensstämmelse med ISO9001 såväl som andra internationella standarder.
Vår kundsupportpersonal kommer att förbli tillgänglig för våra kunder efter att de har köpt produkten. Vi tror att tillhandahållande av utmärkt eftermarknadsservice bygger långvariga relationer med våra kunder samt förbättrar den övergripande upplevelsen de har av våra produkter. Dina frågor råkar vara vår expertis och vi är tillgängliga dygnet runt.
Företaget har 2 FoU-personal och ett expertdesignteam. FoU- och designteamet har rik erfarenhet specialiserat på PVC och uppblåsbara föremål och fabriken är utrustad med 2 enheter med 110 m långa högfrekventa svetsbord, fem enheter värmeförseglingsutrustning och 13 enheter av den modernaste högfrekvensen svetsmaskiner som hämtas från Japan. 30000 XNUMX+ kvm produktionskapacitet månad
Airbrother är en tillverkare av PVC-produkter och gummibåtar. Fabriken har en total yta på mer än 20,000 50 kvadratmeter med tre enorma moderna produktionsverkstäder och mer än XNUMX enheter av professionell tillverkning och inspektionsutrustning.