Thanks to the Airbrother inflatable mat, you can do your gymnastics exercises in your garden, at a park or even inside your home. The mat is made from PVC material, has a high density and is ideal for a long lasting use. Not to mention, it has a spongy feel for when you hit the ground so practising doesnt hurt. The mat can be inflated fast using an air pump and when you are done you can let the air out just as easily. This allows for an even easier way to store and move the mat around from place to place.
There is nothing like flying in the air and landing on a cozy mat. Every gymnast love it, and it is super exciting. You never have to worry about losing that excitement and it makes you feel like nailing those tricks over and over before training.
Because it has many different size options in order to fit your available space and your skill level. No matter if you are a beginner or an expert there is a size that will help your improvement. You can do cartwheels, back hand springs and tumbles here and will not get hurt as the floors are really soft. And the best part is — you can even alter whether your mat is as soft or firm, just the way you like it!
Gymnastics Anywhere you go! Luckily Airbrother makes inflatable mats allowing you to do just that! If you need to travel for a gymnastics tournament, or simply wish to train in a different venue, then your mat can be taken with you effortlessly.
These inflatable air track mats are so light in weight that you can easily carry them alone. When they are not in use, you just let the air out and put them in a bag. Next, you will arrive to your new place for practice and can easily top them off once again. That is, anywhere you want to even in a hotel room, your friend's place or a park!
Lastly, the blow-up mat is a soft landing spot for when you fall while jumping. This allows you to do your jumps and tricks without worrying about getting injured. Where the mat is also created to be quite durable meaning that it will not break or tear.A part less you utilize it for a very long time.
Each air track can be used separately or attached via air valve to other mats in a row for longer denfistane and more fun! Inflatable mats are likewise adjustable to softer or stiffer which gives you better workout lifts ad experience that suits you best. So you can alter as and when needed!
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Airbrother är en tillverkare av PVC-produkter och gummibåtar. Fabriken har en total yta på mer än 20,000 3 kvadratmeter, som har 50 stora moderna produktionsverkstäder och mer än XNUMX professionella tillverknings- och inspektionsmaskiner.
Företaget har två FoU-personal och ett professionellt designteam. FoU-teamet har en mängd kunskap inom PVC och gummibåtar. Anläggningen rymmer också 13 maskiner av den modernaste högfrekventa svetsutrustningen importerad från Japan. Mer än 30000 XNUMX kvm. produktionskapacitet per månad
Airbrother har, för att kunna erbjuda de bästa produkterna och tjänsterna, utvecklat ett modernt ledningssystem för att säkerställa kvalitet, från råvaror till färdiga produkter. Det är i linje med ISO9001-standarder såväl som andra internationella standarder.