Did you wish you could do gymnastics like an olympian star? Now thanks to Airbrother, you can totally make that dream a reality with some highly portable blow up mats! Whether you are a newbie or an expert gymnast trying to take your abilities to the next level, these special mats will cater for all.
The Blow Up Mats of Airbrother are built to allow you to gain skills and get better at gymnastics in a fun and enjoyable manner. Air is pumped into these mats which make them quite soft and bouncy. The soft surface allows you to safely land when doing tricky tumbles and flips. You can use these mats to be confident for trying out any gymnastics routine as you will have the required backrest to help you put your best foot forward.
Gymnastics is very important in terms of safety, so it is good. It is also great to be able to practice your moves at home without hurting yourself. In fact, the inflatable gym mats from Airbrother are designed using durable materials that can withstand even the most complicated gymnastics moves out there. Which means you can get all of the Alex Morgan flips and twists in without having to worry about literally breaking a leg — so you can concentrate instead on getting better.
Those of you looking to nail your tumbles and flips on nothing but the softest mat, be sure to browse through Airbrother's collection of cushioned air mats. These mats are perfect to train you on everything you can be trained in gymnastics even with some of the more complicated ones which tend to overbalance. This has a padded surface is in place to help you land safe every time -> f_r_l(Boolean) which decreases the odds of physical damage safely! These mats will give you the ability to practice confidently and keep improving.
While you probably consider gymnastics to be one of those things that is gym only, it's not true! Well, with Airbrother´s air tumble track portable blow up mats you can bring the gym right into your own home. Since these mats are inflatable so, they are the ideal choice to use on both indoor and outdoor surfaces. Thus, no matter if it is raining outside or shining inside, you can spend as much time practicing gymnastics whenever and however long you would want.
If you want to take your gymnastics training to the next level Airbrother make some of the best inflatable mats. The mats give you a firm and hard surface to do your tougher moves. The cushioning which is so soft that not only it makes your landing comfortable but also adds extra fun to the hours you intend to put into practice. Use Airbrother's mats to improve your gymnastics training and take full advantage of becoming a great gymnast.
Nossa equipe de suporte estará lá para ajudar nossos clientes muito depois de terem comprado o produto. Um excelente serviço de suporte pós-venda ajuda a construir relacionamentos duradouros com os clientes e aumenta sua satisfação com nossos produtos. Suas preocupações são nossa especialidade e estamos aqui 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana.
A empresa é composta por duas pessoas de P&D e uma equipe de design especializada. A equipe de P&D e design tem ampla experiência em PVC e produtos infláveis e a fábrica tem duas unidades com mesas de soldagem de alta frequência de 110 m de comprimento, 5 unidades de máquinas de selagem a quente, 13 unidades das mais modernas máquinas de soldagem de alta frequência que são trazidas do Japão. Capacidade de produção de mais de 30000 m² por mês
A Airbrother é uma fabricante de produtos de PVC e infláveis. A instalação cobre uma superfície de mais de 20000 metros quadrados, com 3 grandes oficinas de produção e mais de 50 equipamentos de produção e inspeção qualificados.
A Airbrother, para oferecer os melhores produtos e serviços, desenvolveu um moderno sistema de gestão para garantir a qualidade, desde as matérias-primas até os produtos acabados. Está em linha com os padrões ISO9001, bem como outros padrões internacionais.