Remember when you used to daydream about flying high in the sky, like a superhero? How about an excellent oppblåsbar kuppel rampoline from Airbrother and bringing that dream to reality now! These are almost summarized version of a bouncy castle that you jump on but they are flat and look exactly like a trampoline. These shoes are made for a jump and hopping that you can high fly every time you reach the clouds.
Inflatable trampoline — now this is for you when the urge to jump on goes wild or just well when you bored! It is a lot of fun, and one heck of a workout. Now, with an Airbrother inflatable trampoline you can jump and play every day! This way you can spend quality time with your friends and family, chilling, and having fun together.
One of the benefits of Airbrother’s inflatable trampoline is that they are simple to setup. You just need a basic air pump and you can have a bounce worthy airbrother oppblåsbare bygninger trampoline in minutes. In this way, portable trampolines are ideal for travel if you want to bounce- in the park, on a picnic spot or at friends.
Airbrother is very serious about the safety factor of their inflatable trampolines. They are made with durable material that is completely safe for children to use. The trampolines are of a specific design that prevent the machine toppling when you jump on it, which allows for increased bounce and security meaning you can be confident while having fun. These trampolines are fun for anyone and can hold up to 220 pounds — that's a lot of kids bouncing together,
Why keep your backyard boring when you can make a fun play are with an inflatable trampoline? Airbrother also offers oppblåsbar arkitektur trampolines in various sizes so you can pick one that fits just right in your yard, regardless of its size. You can also choose between many other colors and patterns to design your playground even more fun for all.
Selskapet sysselsetter 2 FoU-folk og ett ekspertdesignteam. FoU- og designteamet har lang erfaring innen PVC og oppblåsbare produkter. Fabrikken er utstyrt med 2 enheter 110m lange høyfrekvente sveisebord, 5 enheter varmeforseglingsmaskineri, 13 enheter mest avanserte høyfrekvente sveisemaskiner importert fra Japan. Mer enn 30000 kvm produksjonskapasitet per måned
Våre kundestøttemedarbeidere vil fortsette å støtte kundene våre, selv etter at de har kjøpt produktet. Vi tror at en sterk ettersalgsservice bygger langvarige relasjoner med våre kunder og forbedrer deres generelle opplevelse med produktene våre. Vi er alltid tilgjengelige for å svare på alle spørsmål du måtte ha.
Airbrother er en anerkjent produsent av PVC og oppblåsbare produkter. Selskapet er spredt over mer enn 20000 50 kvadratmeter, inkludert tre produksjonsverksteder og mer enn XNUMX dyktige produksjons- og undersøkelsesmaskiner.
Airbrother, for å kunne tilby de beste produktene og tjenestene, har utviklet et moderne styringssystem for å sikre kvalitet, fra råvarer til ferdige produkter. Det er i tråd med ISO9001-standarder så vel som andre internasjonale standarder.