If you are particularly attached to your car, motorcycle or boat. Of course, you do! They are going to stay safe and protected from the bad weather. Rain, sunshine, wind and snow all are bad for your car, and all wreak havoc on your vehicle causing it to rust or break down. You need airbrother oppusteligt militærtelt! It is an unproblematic means to protect your vehicle from the many disturbances and maintain it glinting like a brand new one.
A huge, strong balloon you park your vehicle in the tent is a canopy that shelters your car, motorcycle or boat from the rain snow and hot sun. Inflatable airbrother kuppeltelt protects your vehicle from the weather and won't cause damage or rust. Also, with rain you can go directly to your car without being soaked! It is convenient and keeps your car clean and dry.
An inflatable military tent is an extremely simple and efficient way to store your car. It is also portable and can be used both in the garage and outside your yard. It is very easy to set up, you just have to inflate it. Blowing airbrother blow up dome tent up only takes a few minutes, and your vehicle will fit right in! This equates to less installation time and more driving time.
An inflatable garage tent is the top choice to safeguard a vehicle, boat or even motorbike. The airbrother blow up dome tent is large enough to fit all sorts of vehicles and made from top-of-the-line materials that are capable in most weather, be it rain, snow, or high winds. It can be a vehicle tent from rural etc. no matter in small basement, garage or large parking area from suburban plunging to use comfortably where room is on the earth without worrying about becoming. You know that your car is getting a rest from all the elements and can now stop worrying.
The main pros of airbrother kuppeltelt — its versatility, you can use it in different types of applications. This is because the system can be used not only to store your vehicle, but also as a party tent, camping tent or perhaps even a work tent. The fact that it is inflatable means you can take it with you pretty much anywhere! This makes it ideal for those always traveling who don't want to take their vehicles with them. You could handle sure to assemble it positioning camp or heading over a good friend’s home, it can be able in order that it saving your car everywhere you go.
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Virksomheden består af to R&D-folk og et ekspertdesignteam. R&D samt designteamet har stor erfaring med PVC og oppustelige produkter, og fabrikken har to enheder med 110m lange højfrekvente svejseborde, 5 enheder varmeforseglingsmaskineri, 13 enheder af de fleste moderne højfrekvente svejsemaskiner, der bringes ind fra Japan. 30000+ kvm produktionskapacitet om måneden
Airbrother har for at kunne tilbyde de bedste produkter og tjenester udviklet et moderne ledelsessystem for at sikre kvalitet, fra råvarer til færdige produkter. Det er i overensstemmelse med ISO9001-standarder såvel som andre internationale standarder.
Airbrother Company er en topproducent af PVC og oppustelige produkter. Fabrikationsanlægget er spredt over et areal på mere end 20000 kvadratmeter, med tre store produktionsfaciliteter og mere end 50 dygtige fremstillings- og undersøgelsesmaskiner.