Want to make your yacht time even better? Well, if yes, then Airbrother надуваем купол should be your preference! Not only does this special dock keep your yacht safe, but it also allows you to dock your boat with just a flick of the switch. Its very use (solving problems yacht owners might have) is what attracts a lot of yacht owners to use it.
Now image this, you arrive to your spot on the water, and once there, there's a dock you can inflate and connect to your yacht in less than a couple of minutes. This concept can indeed become reality, with Airbrother's inflatable yacht dock! It is designed with rugged and high quality materials, so it is suitable for even tough currents. Which is why it is perfect for however yacht owner who needs something that is reliable and handy.
Owning a yacht means safety is a top priority. It can be tough to safely secure your yacht sometimes especially when the water is rough or when you are at an unfamiliar marina. However, with the Airbrother надуваеми сгради, you can rest assured that your yacht is away from its mooring place. Its designed to be stable and dependable so you can trust it when the going gets good.
Its flexible design lets you adjust the way you tie up your yacht, making it a versatile and safe option for a variety of docking scenarios. This inflatable dock keeps everything in place whether the waves are strong, or you’re in a busy marina. That way you can relax when you are on the water without fear of your yacht sailing away.
Once it’s set up, the platform serves as a stable surface for you and your guests to board and disembark the yacht. It's a crucial feature as it allows for safe boarding and deboarding without risk of slipping and falling. This makes for an all-around better experience for both your passengers and yourself, so you can enjoy quality time with your family.
With that said, Airbrother's inflatable yacht dock can ease yacht owners by making things easier. For example, when you are finished with the dock, it is easy to store in a small space. It’s space-friendly, and when you want it back, you can inflate and deflate it in seconds. This saves you time and hassle and gives you more time to enjoy being on the water.
And as the dock is easy to move, it’s a good investment for marinas seeking to make additional services available to yacht owners. It follows that an increase in the number of yacht owners will attract more marina owners, which will offer a conducive place for yacht owners to dock their vessels. It’s a win-win situation!
Нашият екип за поддръжка ще бъде там, за да помага на нашите клиенти дълго след като са закупили продукта. Отличната услуга за следпродажбена поддръжка помага за изграждането на трайни взаимоотношения с клиентите и повишава тяхното удовлетворение от нашите продукти. Вашите притеснения са наш опит и ние сме тук 24/7.
За да предложи качествени продукти и услуги, Airbrother е проектирал съвременна система за контрол на качеството, която обхваща от суровините до крайните продукти, която е в строго съответствие с ISO9001, както и с други международни стандарти.
Airbrother Company is a top producer of PVC and inflatable products. The facility encompasses more than 20,000 square meters with three huge modern production workshops, and more than 50 machines of high-quality making and inspecting machines.
Компанията разполага с 2 изследователи и развойна дейност и един експертен дизайнерски екип. Екипът за научноизследователска и развойна дейност, както и дизайнерски екип има богат опит в PVC и надуваеми продукти и фабриката разполага с 2 единици с високочестотни заваръчни маси с дължина 110 метра, пет единици машини за топлинно запечатване и 13 единици от най-модерните високочестотни заваръчни машини, внесени от Япония. 30000+ кв.м. производствен капацитет месец