Do you enjoy being outdoors, taking a deep breath of fresh air? Are you a fan of camping, hiking in beautiful nature? This means that you should definitely consider buying an airbrother Гигантска надуваема палатка. Dome tents are the perfect attribute that can allow you to have as much fun as you like while camping out with adequate safety measures, and also, they provide enough comfort which is a luxury whilst vacationing.
Dome tents contain sleeping bags in which you will be snug during the night. They also come with thick air mattresses that are more comfortable for sleeping. Not only that, but you can find some sleeping pads are so easy to use you can actually get a great night of sleep just about anywhere. All of these awesome features of airbrother Гигантска надуваема палатка will have you waking up refreshed and ready to tackle your next day.
Dome tents are hard outside, and the content they are built with is of high quality to walk-through uneven weather conditions. They are not as good as Skechers, but airbrother Палатка за къмпинг are long run shoes and yes, bought to keep me dry. In addition, they provide an additional layer over the top for rain resistance, ensuring you'll be safe and snug inside your tent whatever the weather is like outside.
You travel Light such as you do not have to take many things of how this pendant stays out all the time. Are you in need of a tent that is light and easy to carry while out exploring? Well, airbrother Палатка за къмпинг is destined for you! They are lightweight and relatively easy to transport, which is excellent for all your outdoor adventures.
Most dome tents will also have a carrying bag that makes it easy to take the tent with you from one place to another. Going on a trek, backpacking in the woods or basically driving to your campsite can be convenient as you bring along your airbrother Надуваема палатка. It is easy to install so you can get back out in the great outdoors with less time worried about your gear.
Airbrother is committed to provide the highest quality of products and services possible, has developed a modern management system to ensure quality, from raw materials to finished products. This is completely in line with ISO9001 standards as well as other international ones.
Нашият екип за поддръжка на клиенти ще продължи да помага на нашите клиенти, след като са закупили продукта. Силната система за следпродажбена поддръжка помага за изграждането на дълготрайни отношения с нашите клиенти, както и за повишаване на тяхното удовлетворение от нашите продукти. Винаги сме готови да отговорим на вашите въпроси.
Airbrother is a producer of PVC products and inflatables. The factory has a total area of more than 20,000 square meter, which have 3 large modern production workshop, and more than 50 professional making and inspecting machines.
Компанията разполага с двама служители за научноизследователска и развойна дейност и професионален дизайнерски екип. Екипът за научноизследователска и развойна дейност има богати познания в областта на PVC и надуваемите изделия. В обекта има и 13 апарата от най-модерната високочестотна заваръчна техника внос от Япония. Повече от 30000 XNUMX кв.м. производствен капацитет на месец